New York City, 8 Novembre 2024

The Sleeping Beauty Conference Series


10 Year Anniversary: Is Mediation a Sleeping Beauty?


Opening: Giuseppe De Palo, Lela Love, Andrea Schneider

Panel I: Quantity: Is Mediation Awake and Alive and Growing?

Speakers will discuss the implementation and utilization of a variety of mediation programs in their respective jurisdictions.


  1. Diego Faleck (Brazil)
  2. Ana Sambold (US)
  3. Srdan Simac (Croatia)
  4. Zachary Calo (Qatar)

Moderator: Andrea Schneider (Cardozo School of Law)


Panel II: Quality: Is Mediation Fulfilling Its Historic Promise of Promoting Talk, Collaboration and Conflict Closure?

Panelists will discuss how mediation is evaluated in their respective jurisdictions, including policies, practices, and training.


  1. Nancy Welsh (USA)
  2. James Coben (USA)
  3. Ivana Nincic Osterle (IMI)
  4. Tat Lim (Singapore)

Moderator: Lela Love (Cardozo School of Law)

Panel III: The Future: Waves of Change and Areas of Promise: Technology and AI


  1. Colin Rule (USA)
  2. Christian Duve (GER)
  3. Noam Ebner (Israel)

Moderator: Robyn Weinstein (Cardozo School of Law)


Panel IV: Global Policy Leaders and Sustainability

Global policy leaders will examine measures to awaken a beautiful Sleeping Beauty


  1. Joyce Aluoch (Kenya)
  2. Carrie Menkel-Meadow (USA)
  3. Nokukhanya Nox Ntuli, Office of Compliance Advisor Ombuds WB (USA)

Moderator: Giuseppe De Palo (DTC Foundation)

Closing: Journal Editor in Chief; Jed Melnick