Psychological Safety – A Key Trait of the Most Successful Teams (e-course)

Online Training

Do you have a great idea to share with your team…but you keep it to yourself out of fear?

Do you see a problem or series of problems that could jeopardize your team’s project but are worried about how your manager will respond if you speak up?

Too often, organizations are stuck in a culture of fear that prevents teams from reaching their full potential and ultimately hinders the organization’s overall impact. The ability to speak freely and openly, to share your thoughts and ideas, and to voice your concerns and identify problems without the fear of consequences is critical to business success.

Psychological Safety – A Key Trait of the Most Successful Teams is a course designed to help leaders and team members create an atmosphere of gentle, open and honest communication without the fear of repercussions. This course shares strategies, tips and concepts to build high levels of psychological safety. At the end, you will be able to evaluate where your team currently is and implement strategies as needed to create a psychologically safe team.


Sign up for this course now!