Rebooting the EU Mediation Directive – 2025 Edition

Rebooting Mediation Study

Rebooting the EU Mediation Directive

Ten years after the original study “Rebooting The Mediation Directive: Assessing the Limited Impact of its Implementation and Proposing Measures to Increase the Number of Mediations in the EU”, professionals from around the EU, and the UK, are asked again to assess the status of mediation in their countries and to suggest measures capable of increasing mediation use.



In 2013, the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs requested a comparative study on the implementation of Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on Certain Aspects of Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters (the 2008 Mediation Directive). Professor Giuseppe De Palo led the team whose study proposal was selected, developed and administered as part of the study an online questionnaire completed by EU mediation experts to assess the effectiveness of the national mediation policy instruments and then analyzed the results for a report. The completed report, entitled “‘Rebooting’ The Mediation Directive: Assessing the Limited Impact of its Implementation and Proposing Measures to Increase the Number of Mediations in the EU”, was published in 2014. 

This new study, completed under the auspices of the Foundation, seeks to assess the current situation in the EU now that ten years have passed. The Foundation’s President, Professor De Palo, will serve as the general editor of the study. To facilitate comparison of the new study’s results with those of the original one, the new study’s methodology, described below, is largely the same as the methodology used for the original study.   


Having in mind that the purpose of this new study is to evaluate the progress achieved in the EU in the field of mediation within the 10 years since the original study, the research team first aimed to study and compile analyses of the current mediation legislation in each Member State. To ensure that a wide array of approaches to the implementation of mediation would be covered, the team decided to include in-depth analyses of all 27 Member States, and the United Kingdom as a former EU Member State that was represented in the original study, to present valuable experiences in developing mediation. 

The research team elected to analyze the following aspects of each Member States’ legislation, all of which were also analyzed for the original version of the study:

  • the degree of regulation,
  • subject matters that may be mediated,
  • the degree of confidentiality,
  • the voluntary or mandatory nature of mediation or mediation information meetings,
  • cost incentives and sanctions,
  • the existence of court referrals to mediation,
  • the enforceability of the mediation settlement agreement,
  • training and accreditation of mediators,
  • the existence or non-existence of the lawyers’ duty to inform clients about mediation,
  • the use of legal assistance in mediation, and
  • statistics regarding mediation use.

The research team also added a few areas of analysis not covered in the original study, aiming to reveal not only existing legislation but also well-formed practices and the effectiveness of adopted measures in each country. 

Information addressing these areas of analysis, as for the earlier version of the study, was taken primarily from various books, scientific articles, and websites that provide such information. The analyses were later reviewed and confirmed by at least two experts per country.  

In addition to compiling information from published sources, the team also created, as was done for the original study, a questionnaire to obtain feedback from EU mediation experts about the areas analyzed. The questionnaire was designed to seek information about the current mediation market and perspectives on current mediation legislation in each Member State, as well as experts’ opinions regarding possible legislative solutions and non-legislative proposals. 

The questionnaire was designed and distributed in most official EU languages on an accessible online survey platform. The data collection period ran from March 2024 to July 2024. The Central Editorial Team wish to thank all those who contributed to the study with their answers.

Once the questionnaire’s availability ends, the team will analyze the results and, as with the questionnaire from the original study, write a report. Part of the team’s work will be to compare the data obtained in 2024 with the data obtained in the original study. The results of the study will be published in 2025 in a publicly accessible report that will be presented to relevant international organizations and governments and in a monography.

As with the previous study, the goal of the survey questionnaire is to create a tool that can serve as a sustainable platform for obtaining data related to mediation legislation in EU Member States, and that can be used to assess the impact of legislative and non-legislative measures used to promote mediation use.  



Prof. Giuseppe De Palo, Mediator, JAMS Inc. (USA); President, DTC Foundation (Italy); Senior Fellow, Mitchell Hamline School of Law (USA)

Central Editorial Team

Prof. Dr. Agnė Tvaronavičienė, Head of Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution Laboratory, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) 

Prof. Dr. Bryan Clark, Deputy Head (Academic Affairs), Newcastle Law School (UK)

Prof. Mary Trevor, Emerita Professor of Law, Mitchell Hamline School of Law (USA)

Indrė Korsakovienė, Lecturer, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) 

Federica Simonelli, Lecturer, University of Trento (Italy)


Study Editors (per country)
Austria Sascha Ferz
Belgium Dr. Evelien de Kezel
Bulgaria Georgi Radanov, Nikola Atanassov
Croatia Srdan Simac
Cyprus Dr. Anna Plevri, Nicolas Antartis
Czech Republic Dana Potočková
Denmark Mikkel Gudsøe
Estonia Dr. Irene Kull
Finland Anna-Maria Svinhufvud
France Laurence Villeneuve, Chimène Bocquet, Linda Benraïs
Germany Prof. Dr. Cristina Lenz
Greece Vassiliki Koumpli
Hungary Dr. Manuela Grosu
Ireland Anna Doyle
Italy Federica Simonelli, Francesca Valastro
Latvia Dana Rone
Lithuania Dr. Agnė Tvaronavičienė, Indrė Korsakovienė
Luxembourg Suzanne Karsai
Malta Julian Sant Fournier
Netherlands drs. mdr. Linda Reijerkerk
Poland Agnieszka Gora
Portugal Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves, Cátia Marques Cebola
Romania Nicoleta Heghes
Slovakia Beata Swanova
Slovenia Aleksander Jakobčič
Spain Prof. Dr. Helena S. Muñoz, Cristina U. Sotos
Sweden Gert Nilsson Eldrimner
England and Wales Prof. Dr. Bryan Clark

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